ZEUS produces electrical power by burning natural gas with pure oxygen. The combustion is done at 80 bar by utilizing the well pressure. The high pressure ensures that when cooled, the exhaust is liquefied directly into water and CO2. The CO2 (and water if one so chooses) can then be re-injected directly into the same reservoir or a nearby aquifer, using a pump and not a compressor. The injected CO2 can prolong production of existing fields, and is permanently stored when the field is shut down, never leaving the seabed. The only thing leaving the seabed is a power cable.
By requiring only a cable to shore, ZEUS is not only an environmental sustainable solution, but an economical attractive solution as well.
In addition pressurized oxy-fuel combustion eliminates costly pre-processing of the feed gas and costly post-processing of the flue gas. And finally, the short distances from production and injection wells to ZEUS save much on costly piping infrastructure.
ZEUS can produce emission free power from any gas including associated gas, CO2 rich gas, stranded gas, and methane hydrates. The power can then be used for offshore installations and/or be sold to any suitable onshore grid.
The liquid CO2 and water can be injected for permanent storage or utilized for EGR or EOR before being permanently stored.
Finally, prolonging life of a field delays any costly P&A measures including opening up for commercial CO2 storage after production has stopped and/or trading in green certificates, creating new revenue streams.