Author: Søren Sohn Andersen, Optime.
With an electrically actuated wellhead there is still need for hydraulics to operate the valves inside the well. Optime has developed and qualified the DHSCM (Downhole safety control module) which can be fitted direct on the XT and provide hydraulic power to operate the downhole safety valve. The technology is also suitable to operate zone control valves and annulus safety valves.
The DHSCM interfaces are simple and space efficient for implementation on the XMT’s. The reservoir is of a compensated bladder type and provides the necessary fluid for the HPU-unit. The reservoir and the pump unit are separately retrievable. The DHSCM has a high degree of redundancy, meaning dual pumps, dual electronics and dual communication and power. For ESD applications, the system will close the DHSV according to the installation/operational requirements.
The unique pump technology can deliver sufficient hydraulic power with very lower electrical power consumption, allowing connection direct to low-power ports on XMT SCM.
The technology qualification and the design solutions will be presented. A complete prototype for DHSV operation has been built and been through an extensive test and qualification program.
The work has been done in close cooperation with Equinor.
Coauthor: Karl H Frantzen, Equinor