Proceedings 1982 – 1996
Learn from subsea history
UTC has evolved to become an important event for the international subsea industry, attracting managers and technologists from all parts of the world. As we can see in UTFs archive, the focus on subsea technology has since the start been the core of UTC. Many of the solutions presented in 1980, which at the time were considered to be technologically far-fetched, have become a reality and are currently utilised by the subsea sector. This only highlights the importance of conferences like UTC.
The conference papers, from the infancy of subsea production on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and through the nineties, gives an interesting and valuable insight to the industry’s accomplishments.
As a celebration of the 20th UTC, we published the papers presented at UTC from 1982 – 1996 digitally.
The papers can be read and shared at our publication platform Issuu. Please sign in for free at Issuu if you would like to download the books (each file has 450 – 680 pages). Due to large files, 1988 and 1994 have been divided into two parts.
1982: Complete proceedings 2nd UTC, 1982
1984: Complete proceedings 3rd UTC, 1984
1986: Complete proceedings 4th UTC, 1986
1988: Complete proceedings 5th UTC, 1988 – Part 1
1988: Complete proceedings 5th UTC, 1988 – Part 2
1990: Complete proceedings 6th UTC, 1990
1992: Complete proceedings 7th UTC, 1992
1994: Complete proceedings 8th UTC, 1994 – Part 1
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